Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Wordle Ideas

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Nelms Presentation Web 2.0 Tools For Classroom Instruction

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Story of Stuff

I could not resist posting this. The Story of Stuff is an awesome story. Make sure you watch the whole video before showing it to your class.


"Traditional web 2.0 tools in a k-12 classroom environment create concerns over privacy. Edmodo has been built with the privacy of students in mind. Edmodo provides a way for teachers and students to share notes, links, and files. Teachers have the ability to send alerts, events, and assignments to students. Edmodo also has a public component which allows teachers to post any privately shared item to a public timeline and RSS feed." One blogger titled his review of Edmodo "If a Teacher had Designed Twitter"

Maps In The Classroom

How accurate and up-to-date is that pull down map in your room? If you don't have Google Earth installed on your computer or want to find a map and/or location quickly on a current map, check out the links below.

Live Search Maps

Google Maps

Making Teachers Nerdy

Making Teachers Nerdy is an incredible blog that is all about "Tech Integration Tips and Web Links to Increase Your Teacher Nerdiness Levels" Here are some recent posts to give you an idea of the usefulness of this blog.

12 Best Google Keywords for Finding Classroom Resources

Educational Blogs You Should Be Investigating

10 Microsoft Word Tricks Every Teacher Should Know

Spelling City

"SpellingCity is an online spelling program that makes practicing for spelling tests fun." Register first, then type in your spelling words for each week. Works like magic on the smartboard with whole class or in the lab where each student can easily access their weekly spelling list.


" is a creative writing site that matches beautiful images with carefully selected keywords in order to inspire you. The object is to put the right words in the right place and the right order to capture the essence, story, and meaning of the picture."

WordSift - Visualize Text

"WordSift is a tool that was created primarily for teachers. Mainly, think of it playfully - as a toy in a linguistic playground that is available to instantly capture and display the vocabulary structure of texts, and to help create an opportunity to talk and play with language.
For teachers, the tool offers a quick way of assessing the text that he or she is using for instruction. Teachers assess students, and the most successful teachers use this information to guide their teaching. So why not assess the text as well? By using WordSift, teachers get a heads up on key vocabulary appearing in the text, and can line instruction up with what might be challenging for students"

Friday, May 1, 2009

First Grade Virtual Field Trip

The first attempt at Union House for interactive video conferencing. The first grade classes of Mrs. Aldag and Mrs. Pressey "visited" Crystal Cove State Park.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


"ReadWriteThink, established in April of 2002, is a partnership between the International Reading Association (IRA), the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE), and the Verizon Foundation.
NCTE and IRA are working together to provide educators and students with access to the highest quality practices and resources in reading and language arts instruction through free, Internet-based content."


Looking for a certain PowerPoint presentation? "SlideShare is the best way to share and find presentations.

JeopardyLabs - Online Jeopardy

"JeopardyLabs allows you to create a customized jeopardy template without PowerPoint. The games you make can be played online from anywhere in the world. Building your own jeopardy template is a piece of cake."

Educational Technology Clearinghouse

Pretty apparent from this website that Florida spends the money to provide it's teachers with great tech resources! For those teachers who have general "how-to" tech questions, check out the Tech-Ease link

Interactive Websites

An awesome collection of websites from Jefferson County Schools in Tennessee. Check it out by clicking on picture above.